Which Face Looks Happier? [Personality Test]

Our brain is divided into two hemispheres-left and right. It is believed that it functions according to the theory of dominance of one of the two. This theory argues that every part of the brain is designed to function in a certain way and for a specific purpose. Through evidence and studies, it is found that people tend to use one side of their brain more than the other.
Last Updated
May 13, 2020

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Personality Test

We hope you looked well both faces. Was it difficult to distinguish which one smiles more? Yes, the two are all the same. They just mirror images of the same person. Have you chosen?

Face "on the left"

If you chose to answer "on the left", then you probably use the left side of your brain. A person who uses this hemisphere is always practical by nature. You make sensible decisions in life, and you prefer to think with your brain instead of feeling with your heart. Your life is based on your choices, according to reason, because you rarely listen to your heart.

You have a logical approach to everything you meet in your path, and analyze all aspects of the situation before you make a decision. You are never hasty or sensitive, be it concerning your life, friendship, or love. You enjoy viewing the problem from all sides before you reach a conclusion or a verdict.

Person "on the right"

If you think that person B is more smiling than face a, then the right part of your brain is dominant. In everything you do, there is creativity. The things you love have originality. You are good with words and communication because you love to express yourself. You love to draw this world with any color you can find. You have a subjective approach to the decisions you make in your life, and your judgments are based on your heart.

You have a tendency to see everything in a positive aspect and you are inventive. Your imagination is racing like a wild horse because your vision has no basic approach to the world you live in. In principle, you allow the heart to wield your kingdom, even if it is broken sometimes.

Our brain is divided into two hemispheres-left and right. It is believed that it functions according to the theory of dominance of one of the two. This theory argues that every part of the brain is designed to function in a certain way and for a specific purpose. Through evidence and studies, it is found that people tend to use one side of their brain more than the other.

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