When Am I Going To Find A Girlfriend? I'm Going To Die Alone!

The Story

Hi! It says a boy 16 years old, and I haven't had a boyfriend yet. Don't get me wrong, I'm not like in the movies (someone who learns a lot, a nerd who braids the language by talking to girls). I can talk to them without a problem, mess with each other, but that's it. I'm tired of being alone and "there." I have the balls to talk to them, but the problem is, I don't know how to talk? When I go to talk to, for example, those I don't know so well, it always gets weird and awkward and they cut me off. It's just that nobody's tying me up. I'm not ugly or low-minded. I've got the balls to take the first step, and I've done it many times. The problem is, it never works. Give me some advice. Even if I have a lot in common with the girl, I always don't know how, but I'm screwing things up... with the girls I communicate with, I do not want anything to happen, so as not to spoil our friendship and they will not tie up either :/ I wonder what's wrong with me and if I'm not going to die alone? I don't care if you make fun of me, because honestly, I don't care, but I want really real and useful advice. People who've been through this, not the other advice I've heard 100 times. I'd really appreciate it. Thank you in advance! :)

Last Updated
June 06, 2020