What Should I Do After His Infidelity?

The Story

Hello! I am an 18-year-old girl. When I was 16, I met a boy we liked very much. We were together for a long time, everything was very nice. Two years after we got together, he started doing drugs, that was the first reason we broke up .. After our separation, which was recently, a month ago .. I realized that he had cheated on me while we were together. Unfortunately, this information reached me, not thanks to him, but from a close friend of the girl in question, with whom he cheated on me. At first I did not believe what he said, but when I asked him, he did not deny it. My question is how to proceed Should I talk to him because he wants us to discuss what happened or not to deal with it after it's over? Thank you in advance for your time! :)

Last Updated
November 11, 2020
