To Men - Do Women Need To Get Hair Down?

The Story

Hello. There is one question that has occupied me for a long time and it is more specific to the male audience. What do you think about a woman's intimate hair removal Would you have a problem if it was not smooth hairless? I'm a 17-year-old girl and I don't like any of the hair removal methods in this part of my body - shaving creates pimples, the epilator doesn't remove well, the wax mask and the epilator hurt too much, and laser and photoepilation cost a hell of a lot. Boys and men, do you find it so ugly if a woman is not smooth and without a single hair underneath? Personally, I would feel best just to cut my hair without removing it completely, but I'm worried that the boys will have a problem with my decision. I guess porn has greatly influenced their opinion, but I really feel wrong about completely removing hair from underneath. Share your opinion, even if it is negative or contrary to mine, but I will ask you to leave years and sex. PP is only about the intimate area, I do not comment on hair removal in other places.

Last Updated
November 09, 2020
