Symptoms Of Fentanyl Withdrawal.

The Story

Fentanyl is a powerful narcotic analgesic 80 stronger than morphine and 50 times more potent than pure heroin, used to treat terrible pain as such in people with cancer. I have no cancer or pain, I took it for pleasure, I got it as much as I could, with fake prescriptions, lies, changing doctors, stealing honey. stamps, etc. while at one point I no longer had the money to buy it, the lies ran out, the emergency doctors who had once prescribed it to me (I had lied again) refused twice, probably on suspicion of abusing the substance, and I stopped I take it suddenly and started abstinence at first glance seems like symptoms of the most common cold, muscle aches, bone pain, fever, fever, dizziness, vomiting, disorder, insomnia, I also got nosebleeds, all because I stopped taking it after months of regular intake. I know a few people who can find me a substitute like morphine but I know I won't feel it at all because I've built tolerance, I don't have money anymore, plus I can't get out of bed. Does anyone know a drug that can help me relieve the symptoms of abstinence

Last Updated
November 09, 2020
