Running Long Hair

The Story

My hair was a little below my shoulders, it wasn't that long, it was a line. And because it was thick, it was very heavy and greasy quickly. When I went to the hairdresser, the woman told me that if she cut it, she would look more alive and with more volume. I agreed, asking her not to take too much of my length. It was supposed to be just the tips, and she took a lot from me ... And the result is that now my hair is a little above my shoulders ... and I don't like that. Well, my question is: will quinine water grow hair a little faster and I was told about nettle roots, but I always thought they were only for healthier hair. In general, I do not often use presses and hair dryers, in the sense that I do not burn it. Thanks in advance. :)

Last Updated
October 17, 2020
