Obsessed With Business Ideas

The Story

Hello. Two weeks ago, while surfing Youtube, I came across various American vloggers who demonstrate wealth - (yachts, super luxury cars, etc.), and so from video to video I came across the videos themselves, which explain how they achieved their super welfare. At first glance, everything seems so easy, just like child's play. Those who have amassed a fortune out of nothing, especially caught my eye. They talk about how over the months they have amassed huge fortunes through sales, such as dropshipping and affiliate. As crazy as it sounds, I said to myself "what have I been waiting for so far" and I started to study things extremely hard. I am well aware that the situation in the United States is very different, which has given them purchasing power there, and that probably 1 in 100,000 people succeed, too, that there are probably some pyramids and other businesses behind these vloggers, but despite everything then something ignited in me and, for a whole week now, I use every free second to read materials about this type of trade and think all sorts of "great" ideas. Of course, I was not left with only these intentions, in a negative time I must have read thousands of materials about making money on the Internet. Starting with online marketing and ending with the sale of advertising space on your own website. I don't know for what reason, whether greed possesses me like thunder from a clear sky, whether it's because I said to myself "how various braggarts from Youtube have succeeded, and I will not succeed", or just my reason is different, but I can no longer I control myself directly. In the morning I think about what I can sell, what items I would be interested in, and at noon I have already said to myself, that trade is not for me and I'm starting to think about what blog to create to advertise and use the affiliate service in it. In the evening, another crazy idea kills me, to order various gadgets from Chinese stores and resell them here ... I know that all this seems ridiculous, but I can't stop thinking about it, as if I'm completely overwhelmed. Before that, I always looked not seriously at such business ideas, for the simple reason that the competition is great, it takes a lot of serious marketing, and a lot of time. Even now I know that I think too naively, and that there is no way to make a big profit from a blog, but still I do not stop shaking my head and thinking about any topic. The same is the situation with dropshipping and resale. How do I eradicate this mania in me? I don't want all my free time to be spent digging and reading nonsense, from which nothing will come out, but my inner self just can't get away from it. Now I ask you, and I hope for a negative answer, to finally calm down - Is it true that not every blogger manages to win, and that dropshopping and affiliate business are not just such a child's play in Bulgaria, as they are presented?

Last Updated
August 14, 2020
