My Ex's Messing Around, And I Can't Take It Anymore!

The Story

We were together for two and a half years. He was very jealous but otherwise perfect in all other ways. Jealousy at times killed me, but it wasn't because of her that we broke up. I literally caught him in a mold. One day we were going out, everyone was home, and since it was about 10-23 pm, then we were supposed to sleep, and he had a lot of work to do the next day, supposedly again. But I've had a lot of food, there's a diner in my neighborhood and I'm going out and I'm going out and who to see a few blocks away - the car of mine and inside a misérable one that we knew and knew we were having an affair and my boyfriend grinning, eating chips and kissing at one point. And when I got there, it was a fight. I got her out of the car with kicks, her up, I gave her blood. I'm not proud of it, but she asked for it. He tried to pull me out a couple of times, but he didn't dare hit me, I think I broke his nose, then they ran me away in my car - they pushed me and ran away again. He just fainted, because after all the jealousy and limitations I've endured and the love I gave him, he's the "honest" one who sticks my knife in that way. I've been to him so much, i've helped him in the end. But it doesn't end here. Most of our friends are in common. Some took my side, a few continued to communicate with both, no one exonerated him, although a few tried to convince me that it might not be what it seemed. But I guess that's a pain in the ass, and he made up a story. According to him, I was labile, the night in question he picked up this girl to take him home, and I attacked them. And that says it everywhere! It makes me crazy. In the whole city, my dignity is eroded (if it matters from Sliven, I'm 20 and he too, but I study in Sofia and I'm there most of the time). He's the reason I don't want to go home. That's been saying that for half a year, and it doesn't stop. It's not my problem, because it's my fault, and it's the victim and the guilty. But he didn't bother me personally. He's avoiding me, but he's knitting his intrigue. A friend told me the other day that he was talking about me. I don't mention it at all, why is he digging? There's so much no sense of self-preservation, because I'm going to get sick of it, and I can tell my father and cousins right away, or even take it in person. There's not one stinker to stain my name! I know it sounds like I'm on fire for nothing, but no one enjoys talking behind his back, especially lies. He's carrying me all over Sliven. I feel like my younger annoys him, but I feel like I'm being weak. I don't want him to come out victorious. Do you think I can sue him for defamation? I've got money, he wants me to put him in jail. I'm not kidding, please, despite my aggressive tone, post, and help that I'm already freaking out.

Last Updated
June 13, 2020
