Let's Have A Laugh: How To Offend The 12 Zodiac Signs

Everything happens in life. Sometimes, no matter how hard he tries, he fails to avoid the argument, and he wants to say something sharp and offensive. Before we do that, it would be nice to remember who we are dealing with, and it will immediately become clear what we can expect from the man against us.
Last Updated
May 13, 2020

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Offend The 12 Zodiac Signs

Aries react to insults violently, furiously, and immediately. If for some reason they do not immediately pour out their emotions (it did not work, because for example you were frightened and escaped), the ram will not go chasing you, and the next meeting will not remind you of what happened. But you won't forget about it: try to insult him once more, you get a double punch.

Taurus may have a long time not to respond to offensive words (or to pretend that they do not react). First, the representatives of this zodiac sign always have to do something more important, second, they can understand the offender and even sympathize with it. If, however, the offense is serious, going back will not-just once and for all throw you out of your friend circle. And not just on social networks.

Gemini can react to insults in many different ways. For example, they can joke with the person who offended them, or present it not in the best light, or pretend that nothing happened, or to make a real scandal-here, the capabilities of the twins are almost limitless. What is important to remember: things do not end with the initial reaction. There will be a second, and a third, and they are all different. In general, if your life seems too light and monotonous, try to offend twin. It's going to make it harder for you right away.


Cancer is very endeavoring not to be noticed that they are offended, but that does not happen to them. It's not easy to keep your emotions under control. Offended cancer will try calmly to explain to you what you have not been doing (and most likely, will not be able to remain calm, nor explain it properly). He will then think for a long time, selecting new arguments and arguments to carry out two more or three disciplinary lectures. In general, if you do not want long unpleasant conversations on the topic of your persona, do not offense cancer.

Leo offends so vividly and expressible that you want to observe this again and again — as for example, the eruption of a volcano. As you guessed, in both cases it is better to do this from afar so that it does not affect you. If you failed to escape, hold on: You are waiting for streams of rage, a city of vitiated ridicule, strikes with unhidden truth. You may try to ask for forgiveness. If you do it sincerely and persistently, the lion can change his wrath with mercy. To people like you, he never offends, he just joked.

Virgo is offended as if unnoticed, but very dangerous. They're not going to quarrel with you, and they probably won't start taking revenge. They can, however, stop helping you--not because they're evil, it's just a chagrin. And here you will find out how much you have not been doing, because the Virgo is an excellent ally, an indispensable helper, and it will be very difficult for you to find her a replacement. One more bad moment-to beg to forgive you is pointless. You may try to iron your guilt with action, but there is no guarantee that it will work.


Libra is much more insulting than a person can imagine. The offended scales can continue to communicate with you spontaneously, to "save you" in a difficult time, to offer you their help and to make a bunch of other pleasant things for you. Does this mean that you can insult the scales with impunity? No, not at all! In any case, the man who offended Libra will come am, and that will happen soon. Well, the scales here won't have anything to do with... Whether?

Scorpio is seriously offended and long. The representatives of this sign have a good memory-they will never forget how sick they were, how many unpleasant moments they had to experience. And they will remind you of the insult, and it is petty, repeatedly, and in the most unsuitable for this circumstance. The scorpion, by the way, is hardly going to try to hide that you've offended him-soon everyone around will know what a bad person you are.

Sagittarius doesn't like to be offended. They love everything to be nice, and for the unpleasant endeavor to forget as quickly as possible. And the best way to forget, as everyone knows, is to remove the source of irritation from your sight. That's why the shooter will either stay away from you alone or make you stay away from him. And you will surely regret what you did because together with the archer of you will turn away and his friends-and these are very, very nice and interesting people.

Capricorn is not offended until the last. If the last moment is still on, run away-the offended Capricorn is unpredictable and very dangerous. Sometimes he would love to forgive you, but it still doesn't work. Accumulated emotions are common sense. And it is this unpleasant moment of his own wrath that the Capricorn will remember very long, that is why she will choose later to have no business with you-not to be angry but to live peacefully. But not with you.

Aquarius are offended by understanding. If you have been guilty of a representative of this sign, do something nice for him, then one more time and more-and the incident will be exhausted. You don't want to? You're going to have to! Aquarius is capable of making you, and manipulating you, and cunning if they want to achieve theirs. Until you insult and offend, it's not noticeable. You insult him, you cook to work for the benefit of Aquarius.

Pisces are pretty offended. And they know that, by the way. So they can react sharply to something quite small-just to strike you right in the heart with the finesse of their kind. So if you are offended Pisces, threaten you an overdose of the wonderful and sublime. And it is possible that a more punished: Among the representatives of this sign are found many vengeful piranhas. So you'd better not risk it.

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