Is It Unnatural That You've Never Had Sex Before?

The Story

Hi, Most people will agree that it is not good to start too early with sex life, because the boy or girl may not be ready physically or psychologically for this step. However, what about a rather common problem nowadays - when a person is already at an age where he can have children and family and has not even had sex. Especially common is this problem in men, and the reasons can be - lack of confidence, low self-esteem, imprisonment, inability to flirt, etc. And so some men are already over 25 years old, even over 30 years old, and yet they have not experienced this important moment for every person - the first time. Do you think this is unnatural and can damage a man's psyche, cause him to shut himself down, suffer from depression or other diseases, or even unlock interest in his own sex? Paid "love" is an option for the first time, although naturally there are minuses - the risk of sexually transmitted diseases also gives a very false idea of human relations, not to mention that the feeling that a woman is with you because you paid her sucks. A separate issue is that many women who practice the most ancient profession do so because of poverty and stalemate. I don't know, however, is there another woman who would agree to be the teacher of such a man, wouldn't she feel humiliated herself for being with a man that no one else has wanted for so many years? How do you think a man should act in such a situation? Is there an upper limit in which it is imperative to solve the problem of virginity - for example, over 30 or 32 years? Are there any women who would give this man a chance or would rather consider him defective? Thanks for the answers.

Last Updated
June 12, 2020
