I'm Looking For An Asexual Partner

The Story

Hey, I'm going to try to be as brief as possible. Unfortunately, the theme is absolutely real. Please for serious and adequate comments. I was born in a perverted family who doesn't deserve to have children. Without falling into detail, I will say that I was subject to physical, mental, and sexual harassment by my parents, especially my father. Sex was not there, but I experienced really terrifying, distressing, and embarrassing moments. So shameful that I dare not even share anonymously. All this for 16 endless years... Today, almost seven years later, at least I have not recovered mentally. At one time I was in extremely severe depression, I drank antidepressants (which only complicate my situation, I read books on how to deal with the burden of the past), I watched videos and absolutely nothing helped me, even minimal. I'm never going to be a normal person. Now to the point. I have a nonhuman, immeasurable disgust for men. And not so much to their bodies as to the essence, their souls. Just to think about the things they're doing in their heads, I want to puke. By opening social networks-everywhere pornography, full of pictures of women on straps, trapped in the hair, kneeling, etc. Every time I see something like this, I get an idea of an even bigger male. I get away from friends, I block, and I don't care anymore. Men seem to have a very, very, very wrong idea of female sexuality, or do they just show what they dream about? Such "men", no, thank you! I'd rather die alone. After all, I didn't lose my mind, at least not at all. I can fall in love...... I'd give my life even. Just ask. But the only thing I would never allow is to make me a rag in bed, out of it, too. I mean, I can't be someone's sex slave, pretend I'm * * * * * and agree to everything. This is absolutely impossible. If anyone wants this from me, I will forget how much I love him and evaporate. And because I know how many men dream of deviance, how much they have sex, what they don't... For already clarified reasons I seek an asexual partner or at least with very low libido and be normal, Unkinky. To love each other, to be supportive of everything, to talk about all kinds of topics, to hug, to kiss... I've got to make it clear that money, cars, property, I'm not interested in any way. All I care about is the man being handsome, inside and out. I am aware that to find one, to fit in and to like each other is difficult, so I write here in order to answer some of my questions: 1. Where should I look for such a person? Are there any societies, for example, where they gather or at least write to themselves to support each other. It's as if such men are ashamed of being asexual and not supposed to! 2. Are they really so few in number or hiding? 3. I'm well intentioned, so share, if you know anything, please. I'm only interested in the age category 23-29 years. Thanks in advance!

Last Updated
May 27, 2020