I Love Him, But I Want Him To Be More Confident.

The Story

Hi! My story is not as dramatic as some drugs. My friend and I have been together for a few years, living together, making some plans for children, and a common future. Sex is great, it performs all my grooves, and so am I almost all of his. He helps me in the household, we both work, we split the expenses. It's a dream man. He's very good to me, he supports me, he helps me, he's intelligent, you can always have a serious conversation on any topic with him. Where's the problem? The problem is, he's cowardly and panicking about. He can drive, but he's terribly scared. I'll pay you. But I don't want the fucking cabs, damn it, waiting half an hour, getting my address wrong, smoking in my car! I want you to come to our car and pick me up. On the side, I look ridiculous. When I go out with girlfriends, everyone takes her boyfriend later, and I go home alone. Sometimes it's a whine. And sometimes I don't need a whine, but a confident man by my side. I need a man's shoulder. I need not be strong. I want to be just a weak woman, damn it! I want him to have a problem with me yelling for two hours and saying, "Yes, it's going to be right!" At times, I feel like I'm the man in the relationship. Somehow he doesn't realize that some things are a man's responsibility - to pay him in the store instead of me (he always gives me the money afterward, but at the checkout, he stands with his hands in his pockets), or while I pay him to order the groceries. I always have to tell him, he's waiting for someone else to get things done. Somehow it's not fixed - "Move this to sit down" - "Well, don't you have hands, can't you move it?" ... He's kind of a sissy - when we're with her, his mother's adjusting everything to him, he doesn't move his finger and expects me to do that. I don't know how it's going to be in the future. I love him very much, I can't even think about parting with him, but these things weigh on me. Because sometimes I need support to say to me, I'm there for you, here, look, you can count on me. I want to be a team, be a good team, stick together, and get things done, not be a company commander: "Do that! Buy bread! Go through the hardware store! Take this to the basement." Proto, I don't feel good about being in charge. And more and more, I have to do it.

Last Updated
June 12, 2020
