I Feel Super Unwanted.

The Story

Hi, I know there are many similar topics about this. But in this topic, to make it easier for you to help me and give advice, I will try to build you a psycho profile of my partner to make it easier for you to guess why he is behaving this way. I am a 21-year-old boy, my girlfriend, who is 19, and I have been together for a year. My girlfriend is a virgin. I've never pressured her to do anything because I know perfectly well that for some girls it's a big step. My problem is not that we don't have sex. And that she lacks total desire and I'm starting to get complex. I touched her, I made French love a few times, apparently she liked it a lot, it got very wet, even too much. But that was a few months ago, and since then she has refused to do anything with her at all, or anything else. And I'm starting to think that I am not attracted to her. I want to talk to her about it, but when she started, she got angry and said she refused to talk about it and that she was just worried and the problem wasn't with me. I tend to believe her if there hadn't been any differences between us a few months ago, namely. We broke up, we argued about stupidity and goodbye, she told me that I had not attracted her sexually enough. Anyway, time passed and we got together again, and those words were the first thing I wanted to talk to her about. She told me that she said it because she was angry and didn't think about it, and that if she really thought about it, why should she reunite with me. From this moment on our reunion, there is no total desire for any caresses. There are 3 main excuses. 1st I'm tired and super tense and stressed I want to rest. 2nd I have not shaved and I am uncomfortable.

3rd I'm in a cycle. Since the 3rd month, she is eternally tired, there is no time to shave, and when these factors are gone, she is in a cycle. Believe me, I wholeheartedly want to believe her, but I can't. Let me share facts about her and her life that can help you build an idea of ​​what kind of character she is, and whether these excuses are really bearable. For starters, she is a huge stubborn person and a person who thinks mainly about himself, over time has changed little in this regard. There are constant family problems, theirs are super nervous people and from the very least they make a problem and scold constantly. Her job is not very good, but she finds it very difficult because she works at night and sleeps during the day and is constantly sleepy, tired and nervous, the people she works with are also not flowers and also cause a lot of stress. And most importantly, she is very influenced by her parents, who watched her super sloppy but at the same time super stressful. 2, 3 times when she is tired, I start to touch her and massage her intimately to kiss her and I see that she just turns her eyes and says that she is super good and it works when she is tired, and at the same time it happens once in the month. I want to try to understand her. And I avoid the fact that the problem is in me, the sense that I don't attract it. Because if I emphasize this fact, I have to part with it. What matters to me is not sex, but the desire for it. And another thing, I see her that with her friends, sometimes when it comes to sex or some joke related to it, she is quite active and it's quite interesting, and at the same time she doesn't treat me like that when it comes to something like that. changes the subject and doesn't want to hear it at all, when I started talking about it, she gets angry and says she is not being talked to. I thought she was lying to me that she was a virgin, but several times I touched her insolently and she jumped all over and it was obvious that she was in a lot of pain. Pain is also something I understand that she may be afraid of. But she doesn't even want to touch me or fellatio. She touched me 2, 3 times as only one of them, she put her hand there without pushing it and I was fascinated. The whole problem is that I want to believe that those words about sexual attraction she really didn't mean. I will be glad to hear your opinion and advice :) 3 times as only one of them, I put my hand there myself without pushing it and I was absolutely fascinated. The whole problem is that I want to believe that those words about sexual attraction she really didn't mean. I will be glad to hear your opinion and advice :) 3 times as only one of them, I put my hand there myself without pushing it and I was absolutely fascinated. The whole problem is that I want to believe that those words about sexual attraction she really didn't mean. I will be glad to hear your opinion and advice :)

Last Updated
September 10, 2020
