I Don't Think My Friend Wants Me

The Story

Hello everyone, I have some doubts and I decided to share them with you. I have been with my friend for a year, but in the last 2 months the closeness between us has evaporated. I hug him, kiss him, caress him, and he stands like a mummy and does not react. He does not take the initiative for any tenderness and caresses towards me. Not to mention sex, he always claims that he is tired, that he has a headache (typically female excuses). It is true that he works a lot and gets tired, but still these excuses are valid for a while. I'm starting to wonder if there is another or what I tried to talk to him, he categorically denies having another, everything gives way to tension and fatigue from work. Even so, I'm getting pretty dumb and I'm starting to feel like an intruder in my own relationship. Advise me what to do. Thank you in advance.

Last Updated
October 25, 2020
