I Chose The Most Inappropriate One ... AGAIN!

The Story

I fell in love with a person who is not approved by my parents because he is from another religion, this is a big problem, unfortunately. Either he or the family. Dr. which he chose to be with my best friend, and all the time he was with me they played me in the most disgusting way. This hurt me a lot. The kisses he gives her in front of me kill me. The things he does with her and he didn't want to destroy me. He is a great womanizer and many more. But in spite of all this I can say that I love him unfortunately: for 1 kiss of his I would do everything and he takes advantage of it. He doesn't want to choose me, but he still doesn't want me to be with someone else, he's very jealous of me .... I can't understand him. I know nothing serious with him. It is impossible to be together and that is what hurts even more. OFFFFFFFFFF Why I always choose the wrong person for me I can't understand him: S

Last Updated
October 10, 2020
