I Am Pregnant And I Am Afraid Of His Reaction ...

The Story

Hello, I'm a 15-year-old girl. 3 months ago I went with the boy I have liked for a long time. Before moving on to a creature, I will describe it. She is 17 years old, terribly beautiful and the dream of every second girl from school. He is terribly rude to everyone except me and the boys in his company. I know that before he went with me he was with a bunch of muffins, to which he first behaves like the perfect one, and then seeing some "more pecan" he throws them away. I didn't particularly care when we left. I was happy, he had chosen me from all the other girls and he was mine. I was in a difficult situation and he was the only person who understood me and that was the only thing that mattered.

I never once wondered if he was doing it for his own benefit or because he really cared about me. Just in case, I had one thing in mind, if things don't go well, I'll be the first, which will end our relationship from being subjected to humiliation to being thrown away like a handkerchief, like his ex. Even when he was with his ex-girlfriend, I had fantasies with him (I'm very perverted) and the time had come to make them come true ... We were both satisfied and for a very short time I had the dream life, but of course, something had to happen. to ruin everything ...

I got pregnant ... I'm convinced because I have all the symptoms and I did a few tests that turned out to be positive. I know that after my mother screams at me, she will hug me and help me get through it. My father died 5 months ago and since then my brother and I have been more united than ever. I'm only afraid of my friend ... Will telling him everything stay the same? In principle, he has a freedom-loving spirit ... how will he perceive it? Will he try to escape the problem or will he show some concern for me and the baby? I've been postponing the moment he'll learn for a week ... I just have a feeling I'm going crazy ...

Last Updated
July 25, 2020
