How Do I Meet New People When I'm Almost 30 Years Old?

The Story

All my life has been a problem that I'm shy and hard to tie dating, I guess I don't look very interesting either. After several times people who thought about friends made fun of my trust, I tried to pick people close to me, and for a while, at university I thought I had succeeded. Unfortunately, it turned out that I wrong and as dear as some people were before, as long as we had spoken and shared, after everyday life, but each became different as if no one had thought of me, but when I initiated a conversation or a meeting, in the end, I felt like a nuisance. It has even happened that someone has brought another friend, a man I do not know at all, without warning me. And I thought these friendships would be profound for life. I was hoping to meet my spouse at the university, but it didn't work out, and I don't think it's just about attractiveness--not that I'm a beauty, but I'm not an ugly one, and I don't understand how much less attractive women have found someone, and I'm not in practice, and I've never had any experience in love relationships before. Finally, I found a stable job, but all my colleagues are much older than me, family, and with already established friendly circles, for them I am just a colleague or at best a good acquaintance, nothing more. I signed up for sports, but it didn't work out. Can anyone advise me what to do to find friends, maybe even meet someone with whom to start a relationship?

Last Updated
May 26, 2020