How Do I Find A Serious Man Who Does Not Want To Commit And Be Able To Share Feelings - Just For Extramarital Contact?

The Story

Hello, I want to share my pain. At 50 I am married with two big children - adopted. Viewed from the sides, we look like a perfect family. Good man, apartment, car ... but. My husband and I don't fight, we go everywhere together ... but we no longer have points of contact. Am I wrong - I have a desire for intimate contact, I feel healthy and strong, I look good for my age - I just need a man. He has a different opinion - that we are already old for these things and every 4-5 months it happens that we have sex once and that ... weaning. I was thinking of finding a friend, but every time something stops me - I feel like a traitor to my family. And now I am a grandmother / we have a 1-year-old grandson / - what will people say !!! At the moment I am struggling with myself - nature wants one thing, morality - another. And how to find a serious man,

Last Updated
October 16, 2020
