
The Story

Hello to all readers! For almost two years now, I have felt the need to commit suicide. Of course, I never manage to cross the line of fear and take my own life. I feel useless and as if the meaning of existence disappears with each passing day. I wake up and hope I'm dead by now. At first glance, my life seems perfect, without problems and things to worry about, but the truth is that I am unhappy. Nobody cares about my feelings, they ignore me, they deprive me of attention. I feel detached, strange, different from what I was before. Now I just live day by day. Many times I wanted to run away from home because no one understands me or even tries. There were so many people I wanted to dump and leave, but knowing they would suffer, I stayed. I once wanted to go to a psychologist, but my mother did not take action. Then I gave up. Since no one understood me, there was no point in talking. I closed myself in and was a fake. I laughed out loud, just so they wouldn't see the weakness in me. I'm depressed and I don't know what to do to feel better. Do I really need to go to a psychologist Or just talk to someone about my feelings? Would you assist me? Would you give me some advice? I know I'm not the only one feeling that way. Do I really need to go to a psychologist? Or just talk to someone about my feelings? Would you assist me? Would you give me some advice? I know I'm not the only one feeling that way. Do I really need to go to a psychologist? Or just talk to someone about my feelings? Would you assist me? Would you give me some advice? I know I'm not the only one feeling that way.

Last Updated
November 06, 2020
