Are My Weights Normal?

The Story

I am 13 years old, almost 14. about 160 cm. I am and weigh 47.5 kg. Is it normal, because I even want to lose more, initially I was 58 kg and lost about 2-3 months, but I want to gain at least 45-44 kg. I used to eat about 200-300 calories a day, don't judge me, this was my only chance, but now that I've eaten some french fries or pizza, I immediately gain weight and eat the same thing for that very reason. :( All cheese, wholemeal bread, cereals and so on. I don't have time for sports because I'm 2nd shift. So can you tell me if my weight is good, and tell me what to eat to lose a little more weight And if you know how to speed up your metabolism: /

Last Updated
October 19, 2020
