Problem With Self-control ...

The Story

Hello, I recently noticed the following problem. I am a man of 26 years and when I have sex with my girlfriend I always look for the act to be long enough to be satisfied (from 30 minutes to 1 hour). I know how to control myself and keep my cum, which also gives me a lot of pleasure. Recently, however, after 2-3 times mastering it comes to the point that there comes a time when I fall. Well, after help from her, I'm "on the line" again and I take the opportunity to finish at the first opportunity, but it's not the way I want it to be (and as it was before). The more serious problem comes when we do it a second time (even after a few hours of rest). It has happened to me several times already after twenty minutes of sex (without having to hold on), which simply refuses me to try to finish. Is the problem in this "detention"

Last Updated
October 30, 2020
