I Hate Myself.

The Story

Hello. A girl of 20 years and I have large complexes. I hate my body, I hate what kind of men I attract. I hate everything in me. I feel ugly and disgusting. I dumped all my partners for one reason, because of my ugly body. I hate it, I have stretch marks, cellulite ... I'm just disgusting. When I go out somewhere, I think everyone is staring at me, and when I dress more naked and die of shame not to see my fucking stretch marks or dull cellulite. I've only been attracting some addicts since I ended my last relationship. If he's not a drug addict, he's going to be super jealous, if he's not, he's going to be a kid of 12. I'm super wrong. :) No one deserves to be as defective as me.

Last Updated
November 03, 2020
