How Do You Deal With Dark Circles Under The Eyes?

The Story

Hello! I am a 12 year old girl. I have had dark circles under my eyes since I was born. I get enough sleep, drink enough water (about 2 liters a day) and don't smoke (which would be the bottom). I know that dark circles under the eyes are born to me and because I have thin skin under the eyes. My question is do you know any way to get rid of them. I will be happy if you recommend me a cream that helps with this. Every morning before school I put concealer under my eyes because the dark circles are bigger than my eyes, no matter how abnormal it sounds. I don't want to use makeup because I'm only 12 after all, and I want to get rid of them naturally. And even make-up doesn't work, because at school they are noticed even when I wear concealer. A complete tragedy!
I will be happy if you help me in the comments. Thanks in advance! :)

Last Updated
June 27, 2020