Analgesics In Excessive Amounts

The Story

Hello. I am a boy of 21. Recently I was involved in a minor motorcycle accident, fortunately I missed only three broken ribs. However, the pain is unbearable. When I breathe, speak or move, even without doing anything, I feel a sharp pain in my chest. I am a smoker, I cough quite often and when I cough the pain intensifies. I couldn't sleep, I needed some injections. Then I started taking various painkillers - paracetamol, ibuprofen, naproxen and oki. Initially, I started drinking them separately, but the pain did not decrease and I started mixing them several times a day. However, I started to feel worse. I started to drop out and I even think the pain gets even stronger no matter how much painkillers I drink. My friends tell me that I have to stop taking all kinds of drugs because I could get addicted.

Last Updated
November 01, 2020
